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KTA Celebrates Teen Driver Safety Week and Contest Winners

WICHITA, Kan. — Instilling safe driving habits is important to the Kansas Turnpike Authority, not only this week as KTA celebrates and recognizes Teen Driver Safety Week, but throughout the year.

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teens (15-18 years old) in the United States according to Traffic Safety Marketing. KTA encourages parents and those who work with teens to talk with them about safe driving practices, including seat belt usage and distracted driving.

“Good driving habits start early,” said Rachel Bell, Director of Business Services and Customer Relations. “Teen drivers are influenced by friends and how they see their parents drive. We hope through our teen video contest, we also influence teens as they think about safe driving in a new way.”

Each fall, KTA holds a video contest for teens to create a safe driving PSA. This contest is held in conjunction with Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day, October 10, to raise awareness about dangerous driving habits like distracted driving, speeding and lack of seat belt use. The three winning videos can be viewed online

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