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Q&A with Campus’ Skylar Rardin – Athlete Spotlight – Presented by WSU Tech

VYPE: What are your personal goals for the year?

To finish out my senior year strong and keep improving myself every day. 

VYPE: What is the most fun you have had in the last year?

All the hangouts with my friends and enjoying life.

VYPE: Who is your favorite teacher from any grade, and why?

Mr. Kliewer, I always enjoy being in his class and learning real-world experiences through his classes.

VYPE: What is your favorite athletic memory?

Scoring my first varsity touchdown.

VYPE: What teammate has left the biggest impression on you and why?

Remey Buckles, he defines hard work and going after something you want. 

VYPE: What is your favorite part of being on this team?

The relationship we all have through practice and being able to know each other’s game on the field.

VYPE: You can pick any place for a summer vacation. Where do you go, and who do you take with you?

The Bahamas, I would take my friends Jacob Vulgamore, Brody Johnson, and Devon Hutto.

VYPE: If we gave you $500 and you had to spend it in the next 24 hours, what would you spend it on?

I would definitely fill up my gas tank and spend the rest on taking my friends out to Buffalo Wild Wings.

VYPE: Do you participate in any community service projects?

I volunteer at my local firework stand In the summer, along with being in link crew helping freshman through high school at my school. 

VYPE: What Clubs or Campus groups are you involved with and why?

I play football and basketball. I am in my school’s broadcasting program, and I also work in our school’s coffee shop. 

VYPE: Are you involved in academic excellence activities such as the National Honor Society, Student Council, or other academic clubs?

I am a Kansas scholar, and I am a link leader helping freshmen get through their first year of high school.

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