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KTAG Goes Cashless

If you haven’t yet heard, the Kansas Turnpike’s conversion to cashless tolling will take place on July 1, 2024. This email includes information to help you understand changes for you and your community. The “What it means for you” section provides a link to resources and materials you can use to help spread the word.

What to expect:

  • Customers will no longer stop at toll booths to pay. All traffic keeps moving.
  • If you use a transponder, such as a KTAG, you will continue to drive and pay as you have been.
  • Without a transponder, your license plate information will be used to generate a mailed bill.
  • DriveKS, Kansas’ new toll payment system, will support both KTAG and license plate transactions on a single account with billing, payment and account management functions.
  • Customers with compatible transponders from another state will continue to use their existing account.
  • With cashless tolling, transactions will be used rather than trips. You’ll see more transactions for the same trip on your bill, which doesn’t mean a higher toll.
  • Using a KTAG will save you 50 percent on tolls in the new cashless system.
  • Cashless toll rates on the Kansas Turnpike will be the lowest of any cashless system in the country. 

How it will work:

Learn the basics with this Go! Cashless Tolling Overview.  The complete Go! Cashless toolkit can be found at and includes short videos, FAQs and more.

What it means for you:

You’re in the unique position to help prepare travelers, and your community, for cashless tolling. You will find resources to share with others on Available materials include newsletter/article copy, flyer, poster, short videos to display in your lobby, etc.

We’re Here to Help

1-800-USE-KTAG | | Walk-in locations at Wichita, Topeka, Lawrence

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